Georgia Employment Law

Find an attorney who works for you.

A Different Kind
of Mentor

Society would not be able to function if it weren’t for the unique relationship between employer and employee.

The tradeoff of paycheck and productivity is a mutually beneficial system, but it doesn’t always work perfectly. Wrongful termination, denied leave, workplace safety issues, and compensation disputes can impact both employer and employee alike.

Georgia employment law has a longstanding history, but it is constantly evolving. With the right attorney on your side, you’ll find yourself prepared to deal with any legal situation.

female machine worker
Employees and employers both have rights.

Know Your Rights

According to Georgia employment law, employees are hired at the will of their employer, but this doesn’t mean you don’t have rights.

Employers and employees alike are held to certain standards and both deserve an equal chance at defending their rights.

No matter what capacity you find yourself in, ProPrudence can help you locate a licensed, knowledgeable employment lawyer to provide you with the guidance, support, and advice you need.

ProPrudence Works

Whether you’re here as an employer or an employee, we caution you to do as much research as possible before speaking with an attorney.

There are multiple areas of Georgia employment law and it’s important to nail down which one you’re dealing with so you can connect with the right person.

We know that, when a job is on the line, every second counts. ProPrudence is the only platform that connects clients with attorneys via video chat within minutes. Connect with a lawyer today to defend your rights.

Georgia employment law